Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I always asked myself why I looked life from the wings of an airplane. Where houses, rivers and fields look like ants or silent mosquitoes. It is like being an observer where we can play the game. Being an active player in the field of dreams, where the fluffy clouds are beautiful pillows waiting, it is also fun, but out we see better than inside. Then we realize we cannot touch them. we have a forbiden window before those clouds.
Hounds provoked by myself didn’t let me see more before like a double glass. There are special people that stamp you forever. And after that, they leave a deep mark which influences your behaviour for long time. It’s like a bug we catch in Africa that stays inside even if it doesn’t appear for some years. You are just connected and it is not important “why” because life gives you the answer sooner or later in a gentle way. I have that “why” in my wrist: time.
How can that time be completely concentrated now in my wrist? The time I never had, the time I have wanted sooner, the time I have wasted, the time that was not closed just because it was not open. Simple. It passed 7 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 7 days, 13 hours, 9 minutes and now about 3 seconds since I have created one Pandora box. A square box I have idealized, mixed, imagined and designed. But, I was just a special person? I do not know if that is true or not and I actually do not care. I never opened that closed box. The reality was much harder and much simpler than that sculpture of imagination. The reality was time.
Now I carry a new watch made of smile and smell. A new watch not to get lost on my time because I always have the possibility of choice. To chose a good story or the reality. What’s difference? Some times there’s no difference. That’s why nowadays I chose happiness and a light life full of complexity and projects that make me laugh, expand, grow and adventure myself again with a freedom of spirit.
I chose a liberating story.
Maybe I am now a complete woman and my stories can be recreated with wisdom and sweetness or I am just myself: a romantic, a dreamer and a silly writer with all the “buts” and “whys”. Memories can stay where they belong, in the past, with peace and a “thank you” for what made me today a almost complete woman. Sensuality, mystery and integrity are parts of life.
I saw the world with his eyes, I understand now his criteria and values. But understanding it is different from accepting it ... I can always accept even if I do not agree. That’s freedom of choice. I have learned to listen, so I saw what is really important to him. It is really frustrating when someone tries to tell us something we cannot or do not want to understand. The fact I didnt meet him at all ... even with so much time! Now I put me in a 3rd position: outside. Not in the 1st position – me nor the 2nd Position – him. I was outside as an observer, like a stranger, a bird, a window, a thought, with distance, out of emotion and feelings… I was out for some while and what I saw was ... Time. Nothing more and nothing less ... just time.
IBR IS BACK TO BRUSSELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
I have a lot to post and write. I will do it soon. Now I really just want to tell that March was the most important month of my life, until now!
I never lived another month like this one before! A complete month of reivention, Of concrete, of resolutions,of making happen, of joy, of freedom inside of me, of beauty, of personal understanding, of guilt withdrawl, of courage, of smiles, of happiness, of completion, of laughter. Of Life! I have a new watch, a new mesure of time! Time...minutes, seconds, hours, years...time. The time to others and the time for me! In one month... I have created a brand new world ... creation! time is nothing and is everything! Time is creation.
Time is maybe the most importnat arm of life! Just use it to favour every single moment. Just like flying! Speed it and slow it ... we create our thoughts! We live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never lived another month like this one before! A complete month of reivention, Of concrete, of resolutions,of making happen, of joy, of freedom inside of me, of beauty, of personal understanding, of guilt withdrawl, of courage, of smiles, of happiness, of completion, of laughter. Of Life! I have a new watch, a new mesure of time! Time...minutes, seconds, hours, years...time. The time to others and the time for me! In one month... I have created a brand new world ... creation! time is nothing and is everything! Time is creation.
Time is maybe the most importnat arm of life! Just use it to favour every single moment. Just like flying! Speed it and slow it ... we create our thoughts! We live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Não só pela correria do dia, pelas mil e as coisas a resolver.
Não só pelas voltas de 360 graus que o ser humano consegue dar, às vezes sem se aperceber
Não só pela força que existe cá dentro. A força do recomeço. Foi um dia de caos. Um dia de encontro e desencontro,
Um dia em que literalmente consegui escolher, um dia de uma «perna» para um lado, outra perna para o outro. O ser humano tem essa maravilhosa capacidade de escolher, a cada dia, o estado de espírito em que mergulha. Agora parece-me obvio, mesmo que não tenha sido assim tão claro para mim noutros tempos, nem neste dia, mas é a evolução. Estes são outros tempos! São tempos de aprendizagem, são tempos de crescimento. São tempos de admiração por pessoas que nunca pensamos admirar. São tempos em que nos contam histórias, são tempos de observação.
Hoje tudo mudou...mais uma vez. Mudou porque a cada dia nós nascemos e renascemos e aprendi que mesmo tentando trazer uma folha em branco a cada dia, a mochila que carregamos ao longo da vida vem connosco e só para nos ensinar a escolher. Depois do dia de mudança de vida, de grande viagem e resoluções.
Chegou a noite. Jantei com o meu primo, onde nos enquadramos num contexto de desabafo, de risota e alegria. Criamos uma amizade profunda... Na nossa janela da Praça das flores. Fiquei alguns minutos com o meu caderno a escrever pouco mais de meia dúzia de palavras. Não consegui faze-lo mais do que essa meia dúzia porque a praça já não era só minha. Hoje realizei que vai deixar de ser minha...mesmo que passe aqui uma vez ou outra. Além da minha vida ter mudado, a praça na minha vida mudou também. Parece-me que foi o dia da despedida. De uma despedida qualquer, por todos os acontecimentos que precipitei para essa volta de 360 graus! Consigo rir de mim mesma, dessa recriação num curto espaço de tempo! A praça, além de ser também do meu primo, e de ser sempre eternamente m é também da Flor de Sal. Do restaurante ali em baixo que me recebia de braços abertos, que me via passar, que me acarinhava a cada minuto.
Rapunzel ... pessoas especiais que cruzam as nossas vidas em mares de coincidencias, que nos trazem alegria ao olhar e que produzem uma chama de alma. Empatia que é provocada não por nada mistico mas por algo extremamente real, so pelo simples facto de não o podermos explicar. Os fins dos dias, são alaridos de consciência, agora alagados por imensa alegria pelo desconhecido e uma imensa leveza de vida. Em que o que mais se quer transmitir dessa alegria de viver é um olhar. Essa facilidade de procura e encontro, essa imensa reciprocidade. Aprendi hoje, que nem sempre são precisas palavras, ou crises existenciais. Aprendi hoje que basta um olhar para nos sabermos vivos, para nos sabermos queridos. Basta um olhar para nos sentirmos desejados e desejarmos. Basta um olhar para lermos a nossa alma.
Ao descer a rua, «singing in the rain», cheguei a casa completamente encharcada em água do diluvio que caiu sobre Lisboa. Será por deixar a praça? Penso que não. Talvez por ter dançado sozinha por baixo da minha janela da praça das flores, aquela dança que não dancei no cinco lounge, aquela dança que devia ter dançado...dará sempre um bonito titulo: a dança que não dancei! E de ter escrito palavras que a maioria não poderá compreender...mas como já disse, ha coisas que não se escrevem, são coisas que se sentem e não ha palavras que as possam descrever. Agradeço essa capacidade de sentir assim!
Não só pelas voltas de 360 graus que o ser humano consegue dar, às vezes sem se aperceber
Não só pela força que existe cá dentro. A força do recomeço. Foi um dia de caos. Um dia de encontro e desencontro,
Um dia em que literalmente consegui escolher, um dia de uma «perna» para um lado, outra perna para o outro. O ser humano tem essa maravilhosa capacidade de escolher, a cada dia, o estado de espírito em que mergulha. Agora parece-me obvio, mesmo que não tenha sido assim tão claro para mim noutros tempos, nem neste dia, mas é a evolução. Estes são outros tempos! São tempos de aprendizagem, são tempos de crescimento. São tempos de admiração por pessoas que nunca pensamos admirar. São tempos em que nos contam histórias, são tempos de observação.
Hoje tudo mudou...mais uma vez. Mudou porque a cada dia nós nascemos e renascemos e aprendi que mesmo tentando trazer uma folha em branco a cada dia, a mochila que carregamos ao longo da vida vem connosco e só para nos ensinar a escolher. Depois do dia de mudança de vida, de grande viagem e resoluções.
Chegou a noite. Jantei com o meu primo, onde nos enquadramos num contexto de desabafo, de risota e alegria. Criamos uma amizade profunda... Na nossa janela da Praça das flores. Fiquei alguns minutos com o meu caderno a escrever pouco mais de meia dúzia de palavras. Não consegui faze-lo mais do que essa meia dúzia porque a praça já não era só minha. Hoje realizei que vai deixar de ser minha...mesmo que passe aqui uma vez ou outra. Além da minha vida ter mudado, a praça na minha vida mudou também. Parece-me que foi o dia da despedida. De uma despedida qualquer, por todos os acontecimentos que precipitei para essa volta de 360 graus! Consigo rir de mim mesma, dessa recriação num curto espaço de tempo! A praça, além de ser também do meu primo, e de ser sempre eternamente m é também da Flor de Sal. Do restaurante ali em baixo que me recebia de braços abertos, que me via passar, que me acarinhava a cada minuto.
Rapunzel ... pessoas especiais que cruzam as nossas vidas em mares de coincidencias, que nos trazem alegria ao olhar e que produzem uma chama de alma. Empatia que é provocada não por nada mistico mas por algo extremamente real, so pelo simples facto de não o podermos explicar. Os fins dos dias, são alaridos de consciência, agora alagados por imensa alegria pelo desconhecido e uma imensa leveza de vida. Em que o que mais se quer transmitir dessa alegria de viver é um olhar. Essa facilidade de procura e encontro, essa imensa reciprocidade. Aprendi hoje, que nem sempre são precisas palavras, ou crises existenciais. Aprendi hoje que basta um olhar para nos sabermos vivos, para nos sabermos queridos. Basta um olhar para nos sentirmos desejados e desejarmos. Basta um olhar para lermos a nossa alma.
Ao descer a rua, «singing in the rain», cheguei a casa completamente encharcada em água do diluvio que caiu sobre Lisboa. Será por deixar a praça? Penso que não. Talvez por ter dançado sozinha por baixo da minha janela da praça das flores, aquela dança que não dancei no cinco lounge, aquela dança que devia ter dançado...dará sempre um bonito titulo: a dança que não dancei! E de ter escrito palavras que a maioria não poderá compreender...mas como já disse, ha coisas que não se escrevem, são coisas que se sentem e não ha palavras que as possam descrever. Agradeço essa capacidade de sentir assim!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
There are some coincidences that are too much some times. Even for me!
I will tell you the story!
I was Invited from a friend of mine to go to a party from the husband of another friend I didn't see for some while!I always conect with people some how, but it is not always we connect deeply with some one that is part of our life and still do not communicate as often as we wished or as opened as we should? I think too much!But this friend is that case.
When We arrived at the bar-restaurant for the party the name of the place was BLUBLU BY THE SEA! Today and yesterday as you could sea from yesterday shadow is around me. My essence, my spirit, my new choices, my love for life, my love for love, my love for freedom but mainly my love for courage and openness is coming up. Things appear very clear a transparent trace. It is not always so pretty but it is honest. The path we roll everyday create a spirit for joy that it is fantastic, but we usually do not see it that way. People do not understand disease if they do not pass through it, or love if they do not feel it, or other feeling if they do not let it roll, people have to be cowards first to be courageous after, have to feel pain to feel joy after, have to give up to give in after in fact we are made of both of the two worlds, the white and the black.If we understand it well we will be more gentle with us and others.
After the Blu boat, the sea, the blublu bar... and the B at the door of a new place I found today, I really do not believe in coincidences anymore FOR SURE! Life of intentions is given by the intension of life. isn't that amazing? The good is that... we do not have to understand them, we just have to watch them!And follow the beauty of life: Mystery.
I will tell you the story!
I was Invited from a friend of mine to go to a party from the husband of another friend I didn't see for some while!I always conect with people some how, but it is not always we connect deeply with some one that is part of our life and still do not communicate as often as we wished or as opened as we should? I think too much!But this friend is that case.
When We arrived at the bar-restaurant for the party the name of the place was BLUBLU BY THE SEA! Today and yesterday as you could sea from yesterday shadow is around me. My essence, my spirit, my new choices, my love for life, my love for love, my love for freedom but mainly my love for courage and openness is coming up. Things appear very clear a transparent trace. It is not always so pretty but it is honest. The path we roll everyday create a spirit for joy that it is fantastic, but we usually do not see it that way. People do not understand disease if they do not pass through it, or love if they do not feel it, or other feeling if they do not let it roll, people have to be cowards first to be courageous after, have to feel pain to feel joy after, have to give up to give in after in fact we are made of both of the two worlds, the white and the black.If we understand it well we will be more gentle with us and others.
After the Blu boat, the sea, the blublu bar... and the B at the door of a new place I found today, I really do not believe in coincidences anymore FOR SURE! Life of intentions is given by the intension of life. isn't that amazing? The good is that... we do not have to understand them, we just have to watch them!And follow the beauty of life: Mystery.
Friday, March 14, 2008
No words are needed ...
but ... i will leave some.
I do not know if you can see the sensation of bumping on something «yours» ... your boat. Its not MY boat.. but I saw something mine there. Maybe my soul...again ... my soul.something in my way I was not expecting. Something new, like a jazz song that tel-transport me into a different world. A box full of opportunities, empty of expectations just a path that usually we do not dare to adventure. Like the sea, that is maybe too strong for me, too mysterious, too unknown but at the same time familiar! I bumped into my desire of freedom and compatibility. To chords that create a wave... a boat of movements. inspire! perspire, respire ... me , you, we. Sound, small talk or big talk...mirror of inspiration and motivation. Sound of the morning sun.
Has the morning a sound? Has the light a sound? what do we actually see something or the coincidences are the reflection of an intension? philosophical path is a interior dialogue or just a bunch of justifications?
I still do not have an answer, I will never have maybe. But there is something I know, that always in my path there will be a sound. I will never understand, so what? Life is just it. unknowing mixed with the known and no prediction!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Again a perception of what we see... Look you may say, Uau! beautiful place! The sun, the light, the eye Daylight is made up of numerous impulses each having different dimensions. When separated, any single dimension will produce a specific color impression to the human eye. What we actually see as color is known as the color effect. When an object is hit with light rays, it absorbs certain waves and reflects others, this determines the color effect. this houses do not have color in itself. The light generates the color. What we see as color is the reflection of specific wave of light rays. Life is a bit like that ... what you see is not always what you get!
in between
In between its one of my favorite expressions. its a matter of perspective! Look again...its not the same image. Its the image we want to create about reality. Life its a image the reflexion of what we want to see. Its always in between...balance is in between ... in between the stories we tell ourseves. Its not stop loving its stop believing...
second soul
non expected moments
Well it was just a planned coffee, or maybe a drink. After all we just finished remembering Mexico and listening a live concert of João Pedro Pais at Hard Rock Café!
A lot of laughers, talk, a tombola competition for winning a guitar. A simple evening but fun and surrounded by music. Life is full of non expected moments, and that are the ones for sure we not forget ever. They stay still in our small boxes.
The pictures are in my mobile...and I do not have the cable with me here in Portugal!
Yes I forget the cable to download my mobile pictures!
A lot of laughers, talk, a tombola competition for winning a guitar. A simple evening but fun and surrounded by music. Life is full of non expected moments, and that are the ones for sure we not forget ever. They stay still in our small boxes.
The pictures are in my mobile...and I do not have the cable with me here in Portugal!
Yes I forget the cable to download my mobile pictures!
Monday, March 10, 2008
its a huge day! finally its here!
I asked for it for so long
finally it arrived
its a huge day! finally its here!
I asked for it for so long
finally it arrived
Sunday, March 09, 2008
MY WINDOW Praça das Flores
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Na minha Janela da praça das flores
do not become a monster in order to defeat a monster
Bono Vox
Dici che il fiume
Trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
Giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
E le terre assetate
Dici che come il fiume
Come il fiume...
L'amore giungerà
E non so più pregare
E nell'amore non so più sperare
E quell'amore non so più aspettare
Bono Vox
Dici che il fiume
Trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
Giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
E le terre assetate
Dici che come il fiume
Come il fiume...
L'amore giungerà
E non so più pregare
E nell'amore non so più sperare
E quell'amore non so più aspettare
Karma police, arrest this man, he talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge, hes like a detuned radio
Karma police, arrest this girl, her hitler hairdo, is making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us
Karma police, Ive given all I can, its not enough
Ive given all I can, but were still on the payroll
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
He buzzes like a fridge, hes like a detuned radio
Karma police, arrest this girl, her hitler hairdo, is making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us
Karma police, Ive given all I can, its not enough
Ive given all I can, but were still on the payroll
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Radiohead … was always there on my Ipod. There in my life. There are things extremely sensitive to outdoor, to the sea, to water, to silence or to thoughts. One of those things is me. I do not want to consider myself a «thing». But sometimes I am. I am a thing that follow the rules of my heart even if my mind just reflect the motor of the story I just finished to create. A story of love, a story of crosswords, a story of pure believing, a story of a piano followed of the white keys and then the black keys to a place called song. Then some strings just place each other next to the sound of interior. This music is nothing less and nothing more than the possibility of improvisation. The belief of that invented music which follows the laws of harmony without a partition, without an orientation, without the certainty. Yes! That plays on my Ipod since I discovered that love is the ability to be in peace with the uncertainty! Radiohead, Dave Mathews Band…always U2 or Dave Brubek is there as a way… They created once just a chord, an unpredictable chord that turned into a harmonic song.
Stop. He said.
Harmony is something that we gain through life, it is something special to build barriers or simply to find a style of life. Words are a form of communication. With those we can build stories, create ideas and defences or a form to transpire the integrity of our souls. There are special feelings that last forever. Words are my way to make feelings last forever. To overcome the barriers for harmony. The balance!
R & A & T or M
Friend’s forever. Friends that are with us always. Those appear in specific moments like normal people and one day they are there for good and bad. They are simply there with us. Doesn’t matter were we live, were we build, where we create. They are there for memories and picture albums but mainly for life. They design us a heart with their hearts!
Friday, March 07, 2008
It’s not uncommon to hear some German, some Italian or Greek on Lisbon streets. This amazing weather just gives an input for travelling around the city! Well … Tourism is everywhere…Its good to be like that. Great! No inspiration about it.
What I really would like to write is that I felt it, I felt the extraordinary (I am, again, using this word) appreciation of my city, of where I am, just right now. The way I am in Life, at the present. The appreciation of the streets on my own life.
To have the ability to withdraw myself from the situations and be the truly observer. From the outside, just like an Austrian, a Suisse, a German or a Spanish that are outsiders observing Lisbon. The tourist of my own life and then relax!
Walking around Chiado and Bairro Alto during day at the beginning of March with a complete blue sky it is something incredible! It is the day which we forget the reasons. We forget all the reasons. In fact there are no reasons at all.
Stop for 2 minutes stay still with you eyes closed and then imagine everything you want to imagine…do you know what? It comes true. Do you know why?
Because you believe it!
Special Days are full of something... Sometimes just sun, sometimes some trees and sometimes just some «walk» around places we used to be.
Memories for me are not closed books that stay still on shelves to be open sometimes. Memories are the fountain of youth, smiles, heart breaks and mainly the spot of extraordinary moments. Maybe I am just a lucky person; maybe not…but my life is full of extraordinary moments.
Insight, growth and courage are my rules. I do not hide under a cupboard of a good coffee or tea, I just walk knowing that my path means something and for sure means something honest and real. I am on the stage of communication, feeling and I am awaken of the importance of it. It’s not good enough to tell I am changing, or convincing myself I am. It is actually doing it … with courage of having a better person inside of me.
Isn’t Lisbon Beautiful?
Extraordinary moments… The ones that cohabitate life with me.
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