No words are needed ...
but ... i will leave some.
I do not know if you can see the sensation of bumping on something «yours» ... your boat. Its not MY boat.. but I saw something mine there. Maybe my soul...again ... my soul.something in my way I was not expecting. Something new, like a jazz song that tel-transport me into a different world. A box full of opportunities, empty of expectations just a path that usually we do not dare to adventure. Like the sea, that is maybe too strong for me, too mysterious, too unknown but at the same time familiar! I bumped into my desire of freedom and compatibility. To chords that create a wave... a boat of movements. inspire! perspire, respire ... me , you, we. Sound, small talk or big talk...mirror of inspiration and motivation. Sound of the morning sun.
Has the morning a sound? Has the light a sound? what do we actually see something or the coincidences are the reflection of an intension? philosophical path is a interior dialogue or just a bunch of justifications?
I still do not have an answer, I will never have maybe. But there is something I know, that always in my path there will be a sound. I will never understand, so what? Life is just it. unknowing mixed with the known and no prediction!
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