Saturday, March 15, 2008


There are some coincidences that are too much some times. Even for me!
I will tell you the story!
I was Invited from a friend of mine to go to a party from the husband of another friend I didn't see for some while!I always conect with people some how, but it is not always we connect deeply with some one that is part of our life and still do not communicate as often as we wished or as opened as we should? I think too much!But this friend is that case.
When We arrived at the bar-restaurant for the party the name of the place was BLUBLU BY THE SEA! Today and yesterday as you could sea from yesterday shadow is around me. My essence, my spirit, my new choices, my love for life, my love for love, my love for freedom but mainly my love for courage and openness is coming up. Things appear very clear a transparent trace. It is not always so pretty but it is honest. The path we roll everyday create a spirit for joy that it is fantastic, but we usually do not see it that way. People do not understand disease if they do not pass through it, or love if they do not feel it, or other feeling if they do not let it roll, people have to be cowards first to be courageous after, have to feel pain to feel joy after, have to give up to give in after in fact we are made of both of the two worlds, the white and the black.If we understand it well we will be more gentle with us and others.
After the Blu boat, the sea, the blublu bar... and the B at the door of a new place I found today, I really do not believe in coincidences anymore FOR SURE! Life of intentions is given by the intension of life. isn't that amazing? The good is that... we do not have to understand them, we just have to watch them!And follow the beauty of life: Mystery.


Anonymous said...

O que seria a nossa vida sem amor, sem amar sem coincidencias, sem mistério.
O que seria dela sem o sofrimento, sem o derrame de uma lágrima sem aquele aperto no peito, sem a saudade.
O que seria de nós sem estas coisas.
Ama, vive, sofre, chora mas assim de tudo ama.
Ama a ti, ama aquilo que mais defendes, ama os teus principios e assim de tudo ama-te.

RM. said...

Não há coincidências, não acontecem por acaso, mas´só as percebem, quem vive a vida atentamente e intensamente!

M said...

Não há coincidências, não acontecem por acaso, mas´só as percebem, quem vive a vida atentamente e intensamente!