Special Days are full of something... Sometimes just sun, sometimes some trees and sometimes just some «walk» around places we used to be.
Memories for me are not closed books that stay still on shelves to be open sometimes. Memories are the fountain of youth, smiles, heart breaks and mainly the spot of extraordinary moments. Maybe I am just a lucky person; maybe not…but my life is full of extraordinary moments.
Insight, growth and courage are my rules. I do not hide under a cupboard of a good coffee or tea, I just walk knowing that my path means something and for sure means something honest and real. I am on the stage of communication, feeling and I am awaken of the importance of it. It’s not good enough to tell I am changing, or convincing myself I am. It is actually doing it … with courage of having a better person inside of me.
Isn’t Lisbon Beautiful?
Extraordinary moments… The ones that cohabitate life with me.
Qué bonitas fotos y que bonita ciudad!! espero poder visitarla algún día.....y que envidia que allí haga tan buen tiempo jajaja aqui esta mañana caian algunas gotas pero por suerte ya ha salido el sol.
Un beso, Vittoria
Incrivelmente bonita esta nossa cidade. tantas estórias minhas estão escritas a tinta transparente nessas ruas que captaste.
apetece-me ir até elas no melhor veículo - um amarelinho da carris, sobre ferro.
um beijo deste teu admirador
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