The rain is falling in Brussels. It looks like the angels upstairs "rain with me". They know it is 6th June, 6 months after the day I put myself in a plane from Bangkok to return to Brussels. I Literally put myself to come home and check out closer the definition of disapointment. As this blog is a register of authenticity, feelings, thoughts and my overview of the world itself, it wouldnt be fair if I wouldnt comment this day naked from masks or bad perceptions. Back then I had a different reality, now this is part of the past, but a day I will never forget for as many years I live, although I will keep trying to forgive for as the same many years I live. It helps me to move forward. I will put it in my personal archives with no hate, no opinion and no deception but Like I said before ...tomorrow is another day but today is today, the one I cannot escape from.
Força Inês!!
1 year ago today,i met you.:) janah
O teu esforço de melhorar como pessoa é magnífico,és guerreira! Não se pode mudar o passado, mas pode-se deixa-lo par trás,não deixes que as dificuldades te amargurem,por favor...Põe os sonhos á frente da frustração. Canta,escreve,levanta o ãnimo e segue em frente, em frente, tu mereces e a saúde tambem,essa é a verdadeira riqueza,mima-te,trata-te,não fiques agarrada,segue a tua vida muito tempo agarrada ao passado faz mal,corta o ânimo,os sonhos, a esperança, a alegia e a simpatia. CORAGEM INÊS esquece,esquece, perdoa e segue em frente,frenteeeeeeeeeeee
Saudades. M
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