Saturday, April 05, 2008


Just arrived from London where I truly saw the essence of transformation. The essence of inventing myself even at the hardest situations. It is absolutely fantastic when we start moving on. Moving moving moving moving moving moving. I am a bit of extremes, sometimes I just want to stay in my corner without any noise from the “outside”world and same times I just want to share with world how fantastic that world really is. People tend to forget that the rainy days are from the same world as the sunny day… and everything is a bit impermanent but still …forever. We get our experiences to paint our life and become someone who really appreciate the delicacies of life. Even if the came from one crazy impulse from the heart! I am hell impulsive person! So what? I just do it and talk about it, its better than take it and repress it! So London this last weekend was a vision. A vision of reflection and another proof that I am an ideas inventor and a traveler no matter what that trip may be.

1 comment: said...

A viagem que fazemos dentro de nós, leva-nos sempre a bom porto!