Saturday, February 23, 2008


The Past is sometimes there as a poetry among signs of young life! We usually do not look back so much or just look back too much but it is not often we take the amazing time to Finnish unresolved issues. Just to do the right thing or wrong thing but a real step is to dive into being complete with ourselves. Like a debt. One of the extraordinary things in life is to be brave. Not brave into fighting but brave into communication and dialogue. To have the possibility to open the heart and talk to the ones we once loved with courage and openness. It’s a profound sense of living! The only way of living is to talk with the ones we love or once loved! The rest it is just lies. Or omissions! You can call it or justify it as you please! Not being honest with you and others justifying through a love that pleases only! To make another happy is offering our true self not inventing a being to please with a love justification. I chose happiness as a way of life knowing that we always can be honest and look at the mirror with the possibility of integrity! Just because what you see is what you got! That’s the base of honesty.


Anonymous said...

O pior de uma má decisão é uma indecisão...faças bem ou faças mal faz.
No final, farás um balanço do fizeste, porque aquilo que não fizeste nunca poderás avaliar.

RMRM. said...

só a força do seu amor é capaz de trazer alegria, para saber comunicar, até mesmo na tragédia.
Èuma valente. obrigada pelas suas lições de vida!
sua amiga M.

Anonymous said...

No mundo há os que acreditam, os que arriscam e os outros. Aos que acreditam, sempre alcançam; aos que arriscam, é jogo; os outros não contam.

Anonymous said...

Sempre me impressionou a forma como consegues, ainda que num registo mais nostálgico, espelhar na escrita a imagem da felicidade... Always looking for the bright side of live.