I just arrive to Japan. Tokyo. Tokyo has huge lines of metros, trains, small trains shinkansen (bullet trains), color lines, JAPANESE, a melting pot of modernity and organization. It is so clean. So delicate and so strong at the same time. I remember my 10 years old when the dream of my father was to go to Japan, I heard it so much, we discussed it so much, It was Our dream… today I just couldn’t believe I was here. I asked some people – This is TOKYO right? – I knew I was here… but still I had to confirm I might be having a dream… Tomorrow I have work at the 100% Design Fair. I waited to that fair for 1 year and I am here … and that is in Japan!
20 years ago it seemed so far away so II world War…so technologic, so sushi… So yen! Now is a real society. Arigato! It is a powerful one with Island culture as well, with the power of start again. The typhoons, hurricanes and Earthquake destroy major cities every year and they re-start, and re-start and re-restart… Japanese have special strength inside that I did not reach yet! I am digging in that question in my period here. I was thinking… Sometimes in daily life we have to be a bit Japanese! Er have to have the guts to lift the doors and rock the world! Stop complaining, Stop talking to much, stop melancholic wishing… JUST DO IT. This is Japanese Society! They just do it. All of that it is too much. But a balanced Japanese sense in our western lives would bring some special color and productivity!
I could not help it arriving in Tokyo. I melted with joy and emotions. I am in Japan. Thanks Dad for my first atlas … the green one do you remember? The one that still has today that part of blue ink stacked on it when, 20 years ago, I tried to fix a BIC pen on the top the atlas and it just blowed up… and it stayed as a stamp…of my imagination and my first loves: My father, the green atlas and Japan.
Ainda bem que cada um cumpriu a sua razão de ser - o Atlas a de dar a conhecer o espaço geográfico e físico - o pai a dar a conhecer o espaço do gosto pelas viagens.
hope japan is the medicine which will make you feel better!!!!..see you sooon-janah
Querida Inês,
Sempre que posso e que estou com a Susana visito o teu blog, que me deixa muito satisfeita por saber que estás bem e a fazer o que gostas. Não te preocupes em responder, porque vou tendo notícias tuas pelos pais e por aqui. Sei que os pais vão na próxima semana, estão ansiosos por te ver, o que não é de estranhar.
Goza bem a estada deles aí e quando eles regressarem vamos estar juntos e trazem-me notícias frescas.
Beijinhos da tua madrinha que te adora,
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