I am Leaving Hong Kong... I am going to Singapore to the red dot design awards, press conferences, and so on...
Like a farwell my HK friends came for a nice dinner ... I am happy to leave HK. It is part of Life, HK it was a important period of my life I will not forget nor my groupe of friends.But it is time for a step more. A Step forward. To what really matters to me. Balanced life next to my love one. Nothings is more important to me! First Singapore... New Step
Thank you!
Merry, Mariana, Diana, Mannie and Craig.
Tivemos oportunidade de conhecer as tuas 3 amigas das fotografias, de quem gostámos. Os interesses comuns juntaram 4 pessoas nascidas longe umas das outras mas todas simpáticas e interessantes.
sempre soubeste escolher bons amigos. parabens, ma
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