I had crazy days of work, but I am enjoying each single minute. The rain in Taipei blocked my trip, my pictures but even with work in a high level point I am loving each minute. Because this is the minute we can control, our sunny minute, the rest of the minutes are just our imagination, our creation or our wishes. Thats why Im in love with my minute, the one I am living now. The one I am in, writing this post
Good Night. I will leave you with some chinese poetry of Bai Ju Yi
North of Solitary Mountain Temple
and west of Chia Pavilion
the water's surface is flattened
by the wet feet of clouds.
Early warblers dart and flutter,
squabbling amid warm trees;
around someone's house new swallows
peck mud for their nests.
Wildflowers will soon flourish
enough to overwhelm one's eyes,
but now the shallow grass
barely submerges a horse's hooves.
I love the east lake most--
I don't come this way often enough;
in the shade of green willows
lies White Sand Embankment
Bai JuYi
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