I’ll be out of home for 7 months for a project implementation about productivity, color and design, following the work I do in my company www.blutsamp.com . Now I’m in Milan until the end of this month and then I will fly to Hong Kong as a base and “Asia in general” as destination. I will have to visit the Interior Design Fairs in Tokyo, Macao, Seoul and Bangkok and to research and write several papers about the project. The work will be followed by different Asian Companies and Universities. So if you want news just email me and you always find me here at this non static Blog that will be traveling with me.
I will keep as much as possible the English as main language, knowing that sometimes the language of a specific country where you are influences you to write differently. You know me, each day is a day and today it is a special day.
I made it! I had objectives for the 07.07.2007.
After a 2006, so complicated in terms of health. I made decisions. Continuing to be there for my friends, the real ones, who were with be in the good and bad moments and who surprise me with emails and SMS always when I’m not expecting it and even if we do not see each other for a long time. Learn how to do better choices. There were a lot of people in my life that were just personal expectations not reality “We cannot be friends of every colleagues, not every colleagues are our friends and there are plenty of people that do not like us and that we do not like, that’s normal, we cannot please everything nor everyone” . The real life always comes to the top of the water, so I toke out the cables of situations, places, people and work that were stilling my energy and polluting my mind. I toke difficult decisions, but life are made from them too. Other objectives were to be happy and honest with myself, to act in the present day as it was my last day, to be aware that we do not live forever so I would live the life I want for me and not the life the “others” could conceive for me, I would defiantly continuing writing, designing active projects, having new ideas, implementing new things, just continuing creating and being healthy!I HAD A DREAM and I’m following it everyday.
Carpe Diem my friends and thanks for your inspiration, I am very happy.
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